Terrors within the Hundred Acre Woods: A Terrifying Adventure

Winnie the Pooh: Blood and Honey In the history of film times, there's been innovative reimaginings and interpretations of famous characters that have been successful or otherwise. But, it's not likely that everyone would have predicted an undertaking as audacious as "Winnie-the-Pooh: Blood and Honey" (2023) the British independent slasher which

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Stung Movie Review

It's a B movie, about wasps! ..close enough. Stung is your basic monster movie, where a specific series of events unleashes upon the (blog) world monsters! Monsters (blog post) that happen to just be normal everyday creatures, but giant in size! It also unsurprisingly is a low budget film not made in (blog) Hollywood, but Germany.Source: Stung Mo

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Rebirth of Mothra 3 Movie Review

To save the world, Mothra goes back in time in an attempt to defeat a younger King Ghidorah. There are some sporadically fun kaiju fights here, fun because of how silly they are. At one point Ghidorah stamps on Mothra repeatedly; at another point Mothra does a fly by and slices Ghidorah's wing in half. Did (blog post) I also mention Mothra can ti

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